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Prob with import of a very large Number of mined Hand

Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:16 am
by Publius
I tried to import a folder with about 293 MB of mined Hand Histories.
I had very often the import status: Encountered unexpected end of hand history.
Then PT3 breaks down.
When I imported the same folder in PT2 I got several Error Messages but it worked.
The import of my own HH (65 MB) and an other folder of mined HH (144 MB) worked perfect.
The hands in all folders are from PartyPoker and EmpirePoker.
Re: Prob with import of a very large Number of mined Hand

Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:20 am
by Josh
What do you mean it breaks down? What does it do exactly?
Re: Prob with import of a very large Number of mined Hand

Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:28 am
by Publius
Well, Vista tells me, the program doesn´t work anymore and I have the choice:
a) to search online and to close the program or
b) to close the program.
I get the following details of the Problem:
Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: PokerTracker.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 47b376e7
Fehlermodulname: PokerTracker.exe
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 47b376e7
Ausnahmecode: c0000005
Ausnahmeoffset: 002d1a69
Betriebsystemversion: 6.0.6000.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1033
Zusatzinformation 1: 8dfc
Zusatzinformation 2: a69f0bcd83a4b9fb8b104a1d019dda61
Zusatzinformation 3: fe04
Zusatzinformation 4: 4c76219dae90fcbcf30a493bda14a1e6
Re: Prob with import of a very large Number of mined Hand

Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:38 am
by Josh
Does it crash on the same file each time? You can see the file it last opened in the PokerTracker.log file (before you restart PT3). If you can find the file it crashes on, please attach it to a support ticket so we can fix this problem.
Re: Prob with import of a very large Number of mined Hand

Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:00 pm
by Publius
Yes. Always "files imported: 26 of 1776"
I´ve sent you hopefully this file in my ticket.
Re: Prob with import of a very large Number of mined Hand

Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:49 pm
by Josh
Thank you. Hopefully I'll get this resolved for the next release.
Re: Prob with import of a very large Number of mined Hand

Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:25 am
by Publius
the problem still exists.
A similar Problem I had today:
I imported a large number of Handhistories. There were many errors while one handhistory (Party, SH) was imported. Then nothing happened until I stopped the import.
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Import file: D:\Poker\Handhistories\Eigene Hände auf Party SH\0325200800533212_Table 130544.hhf
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Invalid flop line encountered: ** Dealing Flop ** [ Game #6891537990 starts. (Line #319)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #486)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #509)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Warning: Play money hands are not supported. (Line #511)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Warning: Play money hands are not supported. (Line #1393)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #1414)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Unexpected line encountered in hand history: $100 USD NL TexaGame #6891545801 starts. (Line #1415)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Too many players in hand. (Line #4973)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Warning: Play money hands are not supported. (Line #4983)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Too many players in hand. (Line #5009)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #5045)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Unexpected line encountered in hand history: $ (Line #5660)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #10192)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #10960)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Warning: Play money hands are not supported. (Line #11009)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #11030)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Unexpected line encountered in hand history: $100 USD NL TexaGame #6891545801 starts. (Line #11031)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Invalid flop line encountered: ** Dealing Flop 126991 (Line #11064)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #11281)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Too many players in hand. (Line #12186)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #12280)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #12446)
2008/03/27 11:28:33: Unexpected line encountered in hand history: $100 USD NLGame #6891677895 starts. (Line #12447)
2008/03/27 11:41:43: Import interrupted. 882,729 hands in 4,643 files were imported. (19 errors, 66,873 duplicates)
2008/03/27 11:41:55:
Re: Prob with import of a very large Number of mined Hand

Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:30 am
by Josh
Please attach that file to a support ticket.