I'm planning on purchasing PT3 and starting to use it instead of PT2 which I previously have, but before that Id like to get this PostgreSQL problem solved:
(Went ad copy pasted this from old PT2 forum, to describe my problem:)
After starting windows if I go right away to see
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services window
it says that PostgreSQL 8.2 Database Server is running.
If I then try to start PT2 it gives "101-SQLSTATE = 08001"-error on starting up.
If then I shut down PT2 go back to services window and stop and start the DBserver again (or restart it) and then start PT2 it works ok.
(My system: Win2k (finnish), F-secure Client Security)
So I have been stopping and starting the server every time before using PT2.
Last week I downloaded PT3beta and removed old PostgreSQL and installed the one that came with PT3 but the same problem still exists, the db server doesn't work until restarted, even though it says to be running. In addition now PT2 wont find the new dbserver at all "999-SQLSTATE=IM002" (losing old databases is not really a problem as I was planning on re-importing all old hands to PT3 when it's possible, anyway)
Any ideas?
I'm thinking about removing/uninstalling everything PostgerSQL-related from my system and then reinstalling with firewall/antivirus disabled