I have my main database to import my played hand. (500K hands). The housekeeping is very long and It takes me long time. So I did it and I didn't want to do it again.
I have 1.000.000 hands to imports and my question is :
should I create 4 ou 5 databases to import them per 200.000 and cluster and update cache each of them separely. The advantage is that My computer will not be occupied for long time, I could do the cluster on few separates days.
Now, How theses databases works with HUD because for me only one is active so HUD could pick stats in only active database or could it take stat in all database.
If not : Is it possible after cluster and update cache to reintegrate the secondaries databases in the main database and of course to not need to do the cluster and update cache of the main database.
Thanks for yours anwsers and sorry for my english.