I apologize if you are getting this multiple times but when i replied to you on the ticket it never sent me to a screen verifying to me that it had been sent so i decided to post it here.
My vista machine doesn't have any firewall/antivirus on it(but it has in the past, i did a thorough uninstall though including removing registry entries as directed on their website). I also had already uninstalled system mechanic thinking that might have something to do with it. I do have windows defender running. should i disable that too?
My current status is this:
Vista Machine is getting the latest problem.
XP Machine is now getting the latest problem too.
I am running as administrator on both. Secondary Logon is started on both. My XP Machine is used strictly for poker with no extraneous programs installed. The only programs they have in common are:
full tilt
HP Printer Software
System Mechanic Pro which includes antivirus and firewall, but have uninstalled on both machines)
and both with multiple tries at installing PT3 with postSQL (never had postSQL on either machine before)
any more suggestions?