by volition » Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:59 am
Well I tried that procmon thing, I hit ctrl alt delete to get my windows task manager up, right clicked on the postgre installer in my program list and "went to process", it corresponded to "msiexec.exe" which is also "Windows installer". So I went to the services tab and found "windows installer" on the list, that corresponded to "msiserver", with PID of 3104.
I went and filted for PID 3104 in procmon and almost every entry in there relates to the PT3 log file "postgreSQL-install.log". The only other one relates to a file writing to C:\Config.Msi\bd8fb6.rbs, which I think is probably not the problem.
Have I missed something here? Because I couldn't find any other related programs to the postgre installer. Maybe I didn't look at the right service or PID number somehow?