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Unable to Connect to the Database

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:11 pm
by smart money
Vista. Everything running under Admin, and has been working fine for 100k+ hands.

Nothing new has been installed/uninstalled. No firewall added/removed. Basically, no change of environment...

Then today: File --> Open a Database... --> Select PostgreSQL database --> ERROR message: Unable to Connect to the Database. 101 - SQLSTATE = 08001 server closed the connection unexpectedly.

I also receive this error when starting PAHud: PokerAce Hud Error! SQL Connection Exception: Failed to connect to datasource: server closed the connection unexpectedly.


*EDIT* Only just noticed other post similar to this (despite searching the forum beforehand.) None of the advice given there resolved the problem.

Re: Unable to Connect to the Database

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:36 pm
by WhiteRider
That sounds like postgres isn't running.
Check Task Manager / Processes and see if there are any postgres processes.

Try Start -> Programs -> Postgres -> Start Service.

If that doesn't start it, search on your computer for and delete that file, the restart the service and see if that helps.
Note that you may need to turn on 'View hidden files and folders', and the file seems to be in the folder './Program Files/postgresql/<version>/data'

Re: Unable to Connect to the Database

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:31 pm
by Ajezz
Fwiw, I had the exact same problem today. Must be because of the newest Windows updates from today (Microsoft patch day). After a computer restart everything was fine again.