pull your heads out of your ass and fire your staff

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pull your heads out of your ass and fire your staff

Postby poo_onastick » Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:53 pm

What the hell are you doing with pokertracker? This is possibly the biggest upset to my life. I rely solely on my poker income and i make a quarter mill a year. You guys have probably cost me 10 k due to your shitty glitching......... not to mention the headaches with setup and lack of available info due to ace hud failures......... and now i get this message please restart poker tracker cause pokerstars is not going to register hands for 30 minutes.......... How do i fix this? WHY THE FUCK DONT THE STATS WORK? PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND FIRE YOUR STAFF. That was my favorite forum post i have seen. Please respont promptly or i am switching to holdem manager and encouraging everyone in the poker world to switch as well. YOU SUCK
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