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Changing Data

PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:17 am
by The_Malakas
Just wondering if someone can give me a hand to do the following:

Just I changed my screenname from PartyPoker, is any way to change my old stored screenname in database with my new one? as by this way I will have all my data again?

Re: Changing Data

PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:40 am
by kraada
Yes, you just need to create an alias between your two screen names. In PT3 on the Texas Holdem General Tab, make sure you have whichever screen name you want as your "main" screen name chosen and then if you look at the top right of that tab you'll see an Aliases box, under which is a blue Edit link. Click that edit link and you can link your two screennames together. Be advised that it can take quite a while if you have a lot of hands in both screennames, so do be patient.
