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PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:58 pm
by MiamiVIce80
I have 2 different HDDs and followed the guide "PT3 performance tuning 2 HDDs"

But i still i have a problem. Where should i place the Vista swap/pagefile ?

on C: (vista + postgres) or on D: (postgres-data)

there are several options like: - at the start of D or better at the end of D on a seperate partition

Any suggestions ?

Re: swapfile

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:56 am
by kraada
I'd go with the C: drive personally, but with RAM being so much cheaper these days, you really shouldn't be hitting swap all that often if you have a reasonable amount of ram in your machine, so it likely doesn't matter very much.
