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Unable to Connect to Postgresql Databases

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:05 pm
by losbert
I've just tried to open up PT3 and am being told: -

"Poker tracker was unable to connect to any Postgresql Databases. Please make sure you have Postgresql running."

I have no idea how to do this any suggestions would be appreciated.


Re: Unable to Connect to Postgresql Databases

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:22 pm
by kraada
id you install PostgreSQL? Click Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL --> Start Services to start the PostgreSQL service. If you don't see the "Start Services" link or the PostgreSQL folder then you don't have PostgreSQL installed and you will need to download and install PokerTracker 3 Beta 27.1 Full Install (which contains PostgreSQL) from our download page.
