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Invalid PostgrSQL Connection Object

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:18 pm
by Money022
I read up on other threads similar to this so I know that running the housekeeping feature seems to cause your database to fail. So that's my issue. However, I tried one of the suggestions, that being to create a new database. I did and now I was able to load my missing hands. But now I have two databases. I'm guessing the first one that failed is shot. Is there a way to merge the two without messing up the new database? I have almost 89k hands that I could merge if I chose to. I just don't want to get into a spot where I either lose all the hands or have to reload them. I had to do it a few days ago and it took probably close to 10 hours. Not fun.

Or if it's not too much trouble, can someone take a peek at the log files and see if a repair to the main database is possible?

Re: Invalid PostgrSQL Connection Object

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:13 am
by WhiteRider
Running housekeeping is good for your database, not bad - if you don't do it PT3's performance will suffer.

You can import all your hands into the new database.
If you have the original hand histories (likely in the 'processed' folder) you can just import those. Otherwise you can export the hands from the old database first. Then use manual import to import them to the new database.

Tutorial: Exporting Sessions
Tutorial: Using Manual Import

Re: Invalid PostgrSQL Connection Object

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:02 pm
by Money022
I'm concerned that running the housekeeping tools will result in the PostgrSQL connection error again. Should I expect that this will happen and I will need to find a fix each time, or are these isolated incidents?


Re: Invalid PostgrSQL Connection Object

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:04 am
by WhiteRider
Housekeeping is a necessary part of using PT3 and should not cause any problems.

Re: Invalid PostgrSQL Connection Object

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:52 pm
by Money022
Okay. Thanks for responding.
