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Recovering an Old Data Base

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:04 pm
by girving2
I recently had to change computers due to damage to the old computer and would like to recover the data base for Poker Tracker on my new computer. I had someone recover my hard drive information from my old computer but the data for Poker Tracker is not in a format that can be used. How do I recover my old hand histories/data base so that I can import them into the Poker Tracker on my new computer?

Re: Recovering an Old Data Base

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:27 pm
by WhiteRider
If you have the whole old drive then you probably still have the hand history files - these are likely to be in the "PokerTracker 3\Processed" folder.
If so you can copy them to your new computer and import them into your new database.
You may be able to recover the postgres databases from the postgres\data folder too.

This guide explains how to reconnect to an existing data folder: How to reinstall Postgres.
See also the How To section of the Database / Postgres FAQ for further links.
