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Help on combining databases

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:29 pm
by wrightdawg
Can someone please specifically tell me what I need to do to combine databases? I just want to move my hand histories from a laptop to a desktop and vice versa so I can have more reliable stats. I've searched and the directions I've seen don't correspond to tabs/buttons in PT3 so I'm lost. I tried using the export button for hand histories, saving it to a .txt file and importing to my desktop but I get the error "file type not supported". Any step by step help would be appreciated. :?:

Re: Help on combining databases

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:00 am
by WhiteRider
Take the .txt files that you exported from one computer and copy them to the other computer, then run PT3 and use Manual Import to import them.

Tutorial: Exporting Sessions
Tutorial: Using Manual Import

Alternatively, you probably still have the original hand history files on your laptop in the PT3\Processed folder - you could copy and import these instead.
