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PT3 Housekeeping: inside/outside PT3, both?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:57 pm
by JimmyM69
In the PostGreSQL\bin folder, there's a pgAdmin3.exe file, which opens up the console, in which Maintenance, etc., functions are accessible for the various databases. In PT3, there's the Database, Housekeeping option. Aside from database backup, not immediately accessible within PT3, are there any suggestions as to which of these functions works best?
Does the Database, Housekeeping call the pgAdmin3.exe file?

TIA, and Happy New Year

Re: PT3 Housekeeping: inside/outside PT3, both?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:06 pm
by kraada
Housekeeping in PT3 uses the PostgreSQL functions directly and doesn't need pgAdmin3 as a go-between. The Housekeeping Cluster, Vacuum and Analyze functions are all built in PostgreSQL functions. The Update Cache portion of the Housekeeping is PT3-only, and it builds a cached version of your statistics to make HUD usage at the table (and report generation in general) much quicker. As such it is not a PostgreSQL function but a PT3 function.

Re: PT3 Housekeeping: inside/outside PT3, both?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:35 pm
by JimmyM69
Thanks for the quick response. Do you have a recommendation as to whether it is better to use the pgAdmin3 functions for the Cluster, Vacuum and Analyze functions, or those in PT3?
The Update Cache portion of the Housekeeping is PT3-only, and it builds a cached version of your statistics to make HUD usage at the table (and report generation in general) much quicker. As such it is not a PostgreSQL function but a PT3 function.
Noted, thanks

Re: PT3 Housekeeping: inside/outside PT3, both?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:54 am
by WhiteRider
You should use the PT3 housekeeping functions.
