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Permission problems with PostgreSQL on OS X

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:51 pm
by multiphrenic
I just installed pokertracker 3 full, did the first reboot, then launched postgresql. I got an error that the application quit with a non-zero status. I looked at the log files on the Mac and saw this:

Code: Select all
02/01/10 11:40:42 AM com.edb.launchd.postgresql-8.4[13370] FATAL:  could not create lock file "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock": Permission denied

I've rebooted and reinstalled, but the problem persists.

I see this every 10 seconds as it tries to reload. I'm not sure how to fix the permissions issue, apart from running chmod 777 /tmp. Not exactly that greatest workaround, but it did get me up and running.

Any help on a better fix would be appreciated.

Re: Permission problems with PostgreSQL on OS X

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:10 pm
by kraada
I'm a bit confused - I just checked on my OS X system and /tmp appears to be a symlink to /private/tmp/ but /private/tmp/ is world readable and worldwriteable (ie- chmodded 777) already. Is it possible you (or someone on your system) changed those permissions from the default?