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Problems Installing PostgreSQL

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:08 pm
by dtools22
I recently got a new computer and have been trying to move all my files over. I managed to get all my files backed up and over to the new machine so I am all set there. Now after I install the Beta 30.1 version of PokerTracker 3 and put in the registration code it promts me to configure some things:

EDIT: I am running Windows 7 as my OS


When I click "Connect" I get the following message:


After this I clicked the bottom link saying "Need PostgreSQL installed? Click Here!" and was prompted with the following window:


After I select "Modify" it brings me here:


I did not mess with the settings at all and just clicked to continue. The program then installed on my machine and I was brought back to the first image. A message popped up saying:


Now when I click "Connect" I am still getting the same error message as before saying it's unable to connect. What do I need to do from here? Also after all this is set up what do I do about getting my backup files onto the database?

Re: Problems Installing PostgreSQL

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:51 pm
by WhiteRider
It looks like you probably have postgres installed - did you run the PT3 "Full" installer?
Are you launching PT3 as administrator every time?
ATTENTION: Windows VISTA and 7 users, you must read this...

The other common cause of postgres connection problems is a firewall, so please read our Firewall Guide.

If you still can't get it working please report your problem and we'll get you sorted out that way.

Re: Problems Installing PostgreSQL

PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:44 pm
by dtools22
I did run the "Full" installer and I cannot get PokerTracker to open. I am just constantly in that loop, even when I run as administrator. If I click "Cancel" instead it simply says that PokerTracker cannot run without PostgreSQL. I'm not sure what to do from here.

EDIT: I have also run it without my virus software even on, and still received the same messages

Re: Problems Installing PostgreSQL

PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:59 pm
by WhiteRider
OK, then please create a support ticket as described in the tutorial I linked and we'll help you out that way.