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PT3 on postgresql external hosting

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:33 pm
by kartoffelheinz
Hi folks,

thinking about investing a little money into PT3 but want to make sure my setup works:

1. I got a webhosting account at a company that offers postgresql-databases
2. I want to use one of these databases since it makes everything easy with backups and stuff and I cannot run out of diskspace and so on...
3. I know I WILL NOT get access to user postgres since this is a SHARED HOSTING SITE
4. So I do have an (unprivileged) user for my database which already exists prior to PT3 install

I did some tryouts with the trial but had no luck - never worked, always said cannot connect to database when I entered the CORRECT credentials. I wanted to try to setup a database locally and then back it up, restore it on my shared hostign database and edit pokertracker.cfg to use that db. Didn't work obv since the trial does not allow backups.

So will I have some luck with the full version of PT3? Or what approach is best to achieve what I want PT3 to do? I somehow have to tell PT3 to not use the "postgres"-user since the databse already exists and there is NO NEED to login with a privileged user.

Please DONT tell me what I want to do is not possible - I wont accept this answer for a professionally designed software like PT3.
Once I have a (working) solution I'll buy straight ahead.


Re: PT3 on postgresql external hosting

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:43 pm
by WhiteRider
If you specify the correct username and password I'm told it should work, but trying to use a database on an external network will be extremely slow so probably won't be worth the hassle.
Are you able to connect to databases on this server using PGAdmin, for instance?

Re: PT3 on postgresql external hosting

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:22 am
by kartoffelheinz
Well, it did certainly not work with the trial version. As I can see from a tcpdump PT3 tries to connect using the "postgres" super-user, too. And this will never work.
Of course I can login using PGAdmin.

So, what can I do now? Any dev guy here to clearify the situation? Does PT3 need rights to access PostgreSQL with the super-user?

Btw, why should it be slow over external networks? There shouldnt be much data to transfer, atleast not on a bytes/s basis - even on a fullring table the live-stats should not be more than a few kilobytes of data each update.

Re: PT3 on postgresql external hosting

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:39 am
by kraada
You can tell PT3 to connect with a different user if you would like - when you click New on the Database Management screen, use a different user other than 'postgres' if you need to log in as a user with a different username.