PostgreSQL problems PT3 and HEM

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PostgreSQL problems PT3 and HEM

Postby skinjim » Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:27 pm

I want to run PT3 and HEM at the same time.
When I tried to install HEM it messed up my PT3 database and I am still unable to connect to my pokertracker3 and other datamining databases.
Somebody from HEM tried to fix this and has changed my postgreSQL from 8.2 to 8.4. He says now HEM and a `new' PT3 database can work together.
However, it is vital for me to have the couple of million hands I have in my `old' PT3 database etc but he says I need to see if you have a way of gaining access to it.
This is all very disconcerting and I wished I had never attemped to install HEM.
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Re: PostgreSQL problems PT3 and HEM

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:30 am

Please url=]schedule a remote assistance session[/url] where someone can logon to your computer with you and directly troubleshoot/resolve the issue. We should be able to recover the hands from your existing database.
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