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POStGrESql (please help me)
Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:06 am
by BenJ
i'm jUsT SIGn IN beCAUsE I WANt TO use POKer TrAcker . SO; I dOwNLOADed THE last vErsion FOR A TRIAl of 60days but i have to instaLl postgrEs tOO!
AnD THAT Is THE mistAkE! ThErE Is ALwayS A PRObleM : i have tO Write a paSSword for tHe sUPER User... BUT The Program does not accept!
i have already read many "posts" in this forum And the guide to (re)install pOstgresQL.... i tried to dO tHESES SoLutIONS, BUT I fAIlED....
please help me with a proceduRE EASY.....(i want TO BuY ThiS trAcker aNd i'M French)
Re: POStGrESql (please help me)
Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:22 am
by WhiteRider
The default password is "dbpass", but try "postgrespass" too. (no quotes)
Is the PostgreSQL service running? Do you see postgres.exe processes in Task Manager > Processes?
If not, can you start it via Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > Start Service?
Re: POStGrESql (please help me)
Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:46 am
by BenJ
WhiteRider wrote:The default password is "dbpass", but try "postgrespass" too. (no quotes)
Is the PostgreSQL service running? Do you see postgres.exe processes in Task Manager > Processes?
If not, can you start it via Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > Start Service?
when i LaUnch THE POstgRESQl instaLLATION, i hAVE TO WRITE A PASSWorD to Complete It; SO I CAn't have aCcess AT POSTGRE SqL on tHE Way Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > Start Service BECAUSE THE PrOGRAM isn't installed.... and THese 2 paSSwORDS dOn'T WORK....
Re: POStGrESql (please help me)
Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:13 am
by WhiteRider
PT3 should install PostgreSQL for you, but if you want to install it manually please follow the guide in the
Documentation, which takes you through it in detail.
Re: POStGrESql (please help me)
Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:28 am
by BenJ
i don't want to install it mANuAly but when I LAUNch PT3, THERE IS NO INSTALLATION OF Potgresql!!!
Re: POStGrESql (please help me)
Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:51 am
by WhiteRider
That probably means that you have a previous or partial installation of PostgreSQL.
Please follow the guide to fully uninstall PostgreSQL and then when you run PT3 it should be installed, but otherwise the manual installation should work.
Re: POStGrESql (please help me)
Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:36 pm
by BenJ
oK i hAVE iNsTALLED postgresql and pt3 but NOW THERE ARE 2 errORS :
- when i start the server sql : the start command returned an error (2)
- when i launch pt3 : Unable to create postgresql database: pt3 db; Reason: Unable to execuTe the Query; Reason: empty query ()
Re: POStGrESql (please help me)
Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:02 pm
by WhiteRider
If the service won't start then PT3 won't be able to use it.
Click Start --> Run, type in "services.msc" (without the quotes) and hit enter. Locate the PostgreSQL service and attempt to start it. If it fails to start, click Start --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Event Viewer and click on Application in the top left pane. Look for an error in the top middle pane relating to PostgreSQL. Double click it to bring up the error message and paste or type it into a
Support ticket and that will give us more detail as to what's keeping PostgreSQL from running.
Re: POStGrESql (please help me)
Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:01 am
by BenJ
Application défaillante postgresql-9.0.2-1-windows.exe, version, module défaillant tcl1a.tmp, version, adresse de défaillance 0x000edd11.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez le centre Aide et support à l'adresse
Détecteur d'erreurs -2040268712.
Pour plus d'informations, consultez le centre Aide et support à l'adresse
Re: POStGrESql (please help me)
Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:12 am
by WhiteRider
Is there a specific reason that you need to use PostgreSQL v9? We're not aware of any problems with v9 but PT3 does not officially supported yet.
If not, I'd suggest that you install either 8.3 or 8.4. If you have problems with that too then please create a
Support ticket and one of our support technicians will work with you to get things working. If we can't get things going soon we'll schedule a remote session where someone can connect your computer directly and help you get set up.