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Error connecting to default database.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:39 pm
by atg_dax
I get this error when starting PT3:
Error connecting to default database.
Please select one of the valid databases below or create a new one.
Note: It may take time for the Database List to fully populate.

I have 2 databases but can choose them as they are grey.
This problem has been reacuring for the past few days, althought once in a while it dose let me in and the program runs well.
But mostly it just gives me the above massage.
I am using V.8.3.

Re: Error connecting to default database.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:51 am
by kraada
If they're gray it means that PT3 can't find those databases in the PostgreSQL installation - do you have more than one version of PostgreSQL installed?

Re: Error connecting to default database.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:31 pm
by coolfish7
I had the same problem. I would load pokertracker3 and it had an error connecting to the database. It would do this even after I restarted my machine. I read in the PostgreSQL FAQ that it could be a firewall problem. So I added (I thought) postgreSQL to my allowed program list (pgadmin III - the service was already started, but it didn't show in the allowed or disallowed programs list for the firewall). Then I restarted and tried to run it again. Got the same error.

Then I thought it might be a pokertracker issue, so I downloaded and installed 3.08.1 version. Upon completing installation and restarting my machine, and starting PT3 in admin mode, it asked me to continue in trial mode...? I have had PT3 since September of 2008 so I don't know why it can't find my registration. In addition, though it seems to know of the existance of my previously created databases (they show up greyed out in the database selection list), it can't connect to them. Am I going to need to reinstall PostgreSQL? (I assume there is a FAQ for this?). I still have my original registration email but don't see a registration code anywhere.


Re: Error connecting to default database.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:49 pm
by WhiteRider
We had a brief problem with the servers just now but everything is back online now.
You can reconnect to your databases via Database > Database Management > New > Browse to Existing Database.
