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Install PT4 SQL 9.0 ?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:09 pm
by Zorro
I have PT3 and SQL 8.3 on my new laptop 64 bit. I would like to install Pt4 and I hear SQL 9.0 would be good for 64 bit laptop.
How do I go about doing this procedure, I don't want to clutter up this new laptop with 2 SQL's(don't even know if you could have 2 w/same ports and pw).
I don't have much in hand histories, but what I have I would like to keep in PT4, I have some idea of what I need to do, but just need to make sure from maybe someone that did this procedure.

Thanks in advance

Re: Install PT4 SQL 9.0 ?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:39 pm
by WhiteRider
If you have a database in 8.3 that you want to keep, make a backup of it first (assuming this is a PT3 database, see Tutorial: Backup and Restore. If it's PT4 use File > Backup, and the rest is basically the same.).

The best thing to do is probably to install 9.0 alongside 8.3 initially, and use a different port number (e.g. I'd suggest 5490 for 9.0, instead of the default 5432).
Then all you have to do is change the port number in PokerTracker when you create a new database, and it will use the 9.0 service instead.

You can disable 8.3 via the Windows Services list (click Start and type 'services.msc'), and once you're sure you have everything set up and working in 9.0 you can uninstall 8.3 if you like.

Re: Install PT4 SQL 9.0 ?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:07 pm
by Zorro
Well I tried to install 9.0 alongside with 8.3, but can't get passed the place where it says to put in password. I wrote down "dbpass" twice and it keeps telling me it's wrong. Don't get it never installed 9.0 before, even tried different password and won't let me continue. :roll:
What now?

Re: Install PT4 SQL 9.0 ?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:57 pm
by WhiteRider
You could try 'postgrespass' instead, or possibly even 'svcPASS83'. Was PostgreSQL installed by PT3 originally, or by another application, or manually?