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How do I Install 8.3 on new copy of Windows 7

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:58 pm
by Wardy
Hi Mods/Everyone,

I have just installed a new copy of windows 7 to replace my dated and frankly crap Vista. Just trying to get everything up and running now and as per usual am completely lost when it comes to installing postgre.

Is it OK to install 8.3 on Windows 7? I'm using PT3. Do I need to install postgre before I install PT3? Should I be ticking or unticking database cluster?

Wrong section sorry guys but I've just installed PT3 and it is offering me a free trial and telling me to register. Is there anyway of getting my reg code emailed to me? Have checked old emails and don't appear to have it anywhere.

Re: How do I Install 8.3 on new copy of Windows 7

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:29 pm
by kraada
At this point if you're doing a manual install 9.0 is going to work better. You can get PostgreSQL 9.0 from here, and grab the 64 bit version if you're on a 64 bit machine. That installer is pretty simple, just keep clicking Next through it and it should work fine and you won't need to worry about settings. Just use whatever password you put in there in when PT3 starts up.

And I've resent you your registration code, but you can also find it on your registration codes page.

Re: How do I Install 8.3 on new copy of Windows 7

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:21 pm
by Wardy
Thanks a lot Kraada much appreciated, all sorted now.

Off topic again but do you happen to know where I can find stats for cbet flop/turn/river in 3b pots and fold to cbet flop/turn/river in 3b pots? This would be for PT3


Re: How do I Install 8.3 on new copy of Windows 7

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:45 am
by kraada
Take a look in the warehouse, I think there might be a few there.
