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Postgres question

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:19 pm
by MikeTribby
Hi. I have limited space on the hard drive C. And the postgres database uses a lot of space since I datamine a lot. How can I move the database or postgres and everything on another partition? Because I have like 3 GB free on drive C and the windows is working really slow. Also if I continue importing I will run out of space on drive C. Thanks in advance.

Re: Postgres question

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:13 pm
by prajna
Okay, to keep your data intact, go to the pgAdmin III tool located under start -> programs -> postgresql -> pgAdmin III. There are two window panes you see. Double click the "postgresql database server" and if prompted, enter the password for the server. Now, you should see below that a tree entry that says "databases". Click on that. Select your database in the list, right click -> backup... Name it, leave everything else the same, and let the server backup the data.

Once backed up, you can uninstall postgresql. Make sure you don't delete the backup file you just made!!! Once you uninstall postgresql, install it in the new location. Once installed, go back into pgAdmin III and log back into your server. Once done, right click on databases, new... Name the database (no spaces in the name), and click okay. Once created, right click on that database and select restore... Select the file you backed up your original database to, and then click okay (leave everthing else as is).

This may seem long and drawn out, but it guarantees you will have your data intact and working properly on the new partition.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
