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Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:27 am
by keggler

I've got the dreaded PostgreSQL permissions problem when starting the service at the end of the install...

I've been looking at the other threads on this; I guess I'm basically screwed on installing this software until someone susses this problem when it installs?

Is this correct?

Any idea on when someone will figure out a circumvention?

I just bought the software, this is my only PC (XP Home) and I was really looking forward to start using it... :-(



Re: Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:48 pm
by kraada

I'm sure we can figure it out. First, make sure you're running as Administrator (Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Users, make sure your account has Administrator rights).

Second, what sort of anti-virus software are you using? Apparently there's a known issue with F-secure not allowing PostgreSQL to install as a service. You might want to try unloading your anti-virus/anti-malware software temporarily and trying again. If this does work for you, please do reply to let us know which programs you had to disable in order to get PostgreSQL installed as this may be causing the same issue for other people.

Re: Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:08 pm
by keggler

Thanks for the prompt reply; yes I have just one account, and it's an administrator.

I took out my AV and Firewall (Sophos btw), rebooted - still the same permissions problem on starting the database service in the install... :-(


Re: Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:57 am
by slanche2
have you read this: [url]http:[/url]?
if this your problem or do you have another error message?

Re: Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:25 am
by keggler

Yes it looks like the same problem as the 2+2 thread - I tried the suggestion there - still no go...

In the Postgre forum here this was mentioned:

"For any Windows administrative guru's; how do you ensure that the current user has permissions to start service on Windows XP Home (where there is no Local Security Policy MMA)?..."

Don't know if this is the root cause?


Re: Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:30 am
by cm1981
Had the same Prob. Loaded a little Progr. called XAMPP down here.
Install it run the controll panel. in the upper right corner push the button scm. you`ll get a list called service. scroll down till the postgres service. click ONCE the service. you´ll get three options right next to the list. push restart and voila!
Have to do this after every reboot though!

Greetings Tim

Re: Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:20 am
by keggler
Well although it's not happening to everyone, glad to hear I'm not alone... :-)

I guess I can bite the bullet and purchase a copy of XP Pro and try that, but that's not really too satisfactory a solution IMHO...

Even tried looking around the Postgre resources on the Web, but to no avail - jeez that's like a black art on it's own - you can tell it's an Open Source product lol - bits of information everywhere - be nice if it was consolidated somewhere... :-(


Re: Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:52 am
by cm1981
have u tried xampp???

Re: Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:09 pm
by keggler
Hi CM,

I bit the bullet and installed XP Pro, so I'm good to go...can't help the others with the same problem though... :-(

Thanks for your help anyway :-)


Re: Won't install on XP Home... :-(

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:38 am
by keggler