by Gelkand » Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:13 am
In fact it works, I have done it in the following way, after having some difficulties first:
Make a backup of your PT2 database via the PT2 application. The backup file is important.
Then leave PT2, uninstall the old postgres8.x and install postgres8.3.
Additionally you probably have to install the drivers (psqlodbc).If you do not install the drivers, you are not able to add your new PostgresDB from PT2, because the odbc value would be empty.
- Then start PT2 and create an empty Access DB!
- Convert the Access DB to PostgresDB via the corresponding menu entries in PT2. Again, if there comes an error message, install the mentioned drivers on your computer.
Note: If these steps have been done, PT2 is working with Postgres8.3
- Make the newly created DB to your default DB in PT2via the corresponding menu entries.
Note: you have now a postgres8.3 DB which is working with PT2. Perhaps, just perhapsed this step is not needed, see the description of the last step.
Last step: Via the restore entry in PT2, import the backup file into your database. In fact a new DB is created with the name of the old PT2 DB. After finishing you have now two 8.3 DB's.
Change the default DB to you restored DB.
Sounds a little chaotic, but restoring the backup directly without having a postgres8.3 DB causes some errors (driver etc.).
Resume: The newly postgres8.3 DB works really faster then the old 8.0.x DB
Greetings, Gelkand