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One database two computers

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:44 am
by DK115

An important issue for me: Using on database within your home network and still put data in that database from two computers: is it possible with PT3!
Answer: Yes; I managed to do that.

Q for support: Can you use your the same license PT3 use on different computers (say 2 or 3) for your own use?

If you need to know how to configure ... ask.

Re: One database two computers

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:51 am
by Josh
The PT3 license will be similar to the current PT and PA Hud licenses. You'll be allowed to use PT3 on any two computers that you own.

Re: One database two computers

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:02 pm
by DK115

Looking forward to the test HUD integration. With PT2/HUD was this two PC/one DB a hell of a job ...

Re: One database two computers

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 5:27 pm
by MMark516
ok, since i have pt3 on 2 computers, how do i tell it that theres a database on one? so the other can just read it...or whatever, lol

Re: One database two computers

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:56 pm
by APerfect10
When you add the database into the other computer, you will need to enter the IP address for the other computer, in the host field.

Best regards,


Re: One database two computers

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:12 am
by DK115

Compter 1: PT3 & Postgres Database; make sure that Computer 1 has a static IP adress.
Computer 2 (laptop?) only PT3

Step one:

You need to say to postgres that users from other computers can log in:

On Compter 1 add a line in pg_hba.conf file
like this

[i0g0]host all all [/i0g0] trust
{where is the ip adress of the laptop}.

If your using DHCP and you do not know the exact IP of the laptop the line will look like this

[i0g0]host all all 255.255.255.[/i0g0]0 trust
{where is your network ...}

Step 2:

Then change the line in the postgressql.conf
[i0g0]listen_addresses = 'localhost' into listen_addresses = '*' [/i0g0]

Go to services on computer 1 and restart the PostgresSQL service

Step 3:

Go to the firewall confuration on computer 1 and make an execption for port 5432 (if it is not there) for the internal network.

Step 4:
Then start on computer 2 PT3 and give in the IP adress of Computer one where localhost is displayed; the DB on Computer 1 should be found ...

Re: One database two computers

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:57 pm
by JThomsen
I assume it is still possible to import hands while playing on computer 2 (the one without postgresql)?
How will this affect CPU and HDD usage?

Re: One database two computers

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:25 pm
by APerfect10
[quote="JThomsen"id9]I assume it is still possible to import hands while playing on computer 2 (the one without postgresql)?
How will this affect CPU and HDD usage?[/quoteid9]

It will lower both cpu and HDD usage on the non-PostgreSQL machine and increase it on the PostgreSQL machine. It is a good way to spread the load across two separate computers.


Re: One database two computers

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:28 pm
by craftart2003
I just wanted to say thank you for the information in this post. Very ingenious and helpful! Great Job!

Re: One database two computers

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:52 pm
by bozlax
Here's an issue I'm seeing: I've got a Linux workstation running Postgres and hosting my PT database; I'm still on PT2, running it under wine on the Linux box, and WinXP on the laptop; if PT is running on the Linux box when I fire it up on the laptop, the copy on the laptop just hangs (hourglass cursor) and the only way to release it is through Task Manager. If I start it on the laptop first, then on the Linux box, no issue.

Any ideas? It's not a huge deal, I just sometimes have to walk ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE HOUSE to shut down PT on the workstation when I'm going to play on the laptop.
