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specific tournament reports

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:27 pm
by broccoli

I would like to run reports on a specific tournament (for example, tournament #444444 in PokerStars). The stats I need are in Holdem Tournament Hand. But I don't know how to specify the tournament there. I guess I could specify a range of hand numbers, but that's too tedious. There is a filter field in HTH called "id_tourney", but that does not seem to work with the tournament number values I get from PokerStars. In Holdem Tournament Tournament there is a stat TourneyNo, which does have the values that I would like to filter on. But I don't know how to filter on those values in HTH. Does anyone know how that can be done?

Btw, I'm brand new to report running,


Re: specific tournament reports

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:09 am
by broccoli
I answered my own question. I added this custom column and statistic to the Holdem Tournament Hand section:


Cool, my first custom statistic...


Re: specific tournament reports

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:50 am
by kraada
Congratulations! :D
