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Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:03 pm
by Lythande71

some of my custom stats that I have just created are only available for reports but not for the HUD.

Here is what I did:

created new columns in Holdem Tournament player statistics:

[1] cnt_hands_lbp: sum(if[tourney_holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_hand > 0 and tourney_holdem_blinds.amt_bb <=60, 1, 0]) Desc: "Number of hands played in low blind phase."
[2] cnt_vpip_lbp: sum(if[tourney_holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_vpip and tourney_holdem_blinds.amt_bb <=60, 1, 0]) Desc: "Number of times player voluntarily put money in the pot in low blind phase."

added new statistics:
[A] Hands_LBP: cnt_hands_lbp
[B] VP$IP_LBP: (cnt_vpip_lbp / cnt_hands_lbp) * 100

[A] is available in both report and HUD
[B] is only available in report not in HUD

I cant figure out why. Any ideas?

Yes, I did update cache table. Yes I restarted PT3

Any help is highly appreciated.

Re: Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:21 pm
by kraada
That's odd that should be available for HUD use - could you export and attach the stat to a support ticket? We'll look into it further for you.

Re: Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:59 pm
by Lythande71
Yes i could, but its not necessary anymore :lol:

found the reason:

Since I duplicated [2] stat from original VP$IP it still had some colors defined as soon as I removed the colors it was also shown in the HUD.

But again, thanks for the quick response.

May I ask another question?

Of course I have similar stats for mid blind phase an late blind phase. Is it possible to show LBP stats in low blind phase and then switch to MBP stats in mid blind phase using the var_live_amt_bb somehow?

Re: Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:06 pm
by kraada
You can always ask questions here :)

Yes you should be able to do that, you'll want to use a nested if() statement in the format expression of your stat. See this tutorial for details on how to set that sort of statement up - you'll be using just the variable for big blind size though most likely I'd imagine.

Re: Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:16 pm
by Lythande71
Cool. Thanks.

Which part of the tutorial are you referring to?

Re: Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:21 pm
by kraada
The second section on formatting custom stats. You basically want to set it up so that if a certain big blind size is in use, it displays one value, otherwise it displays another.

Re: Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:26 pm
by Lythande71
Ok, i will try that out tomorrow (its late down here in europe) and report later.
good n8

Re: Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:52 pm
by Lythande71
Ok, ok,

couldn't sleep anyway. Got it running now. Works like a charm...Thanks for your support.

Here is what I did:

Created a new stat VP$IP_CUR (Voluntarily Put Money In Pot in Current Blind Phase)
Set the value expression to: ' ' (This was important, coz a real column would overwrite Format Expression!!!)
Format expression to:
(var_live_amt_bb <= 60, format_number( (cnt_vpip_lbp / cnt_hands_lbp) * 100, 0, false, false),
(var_live_amt_bb <= 150, format_number( (cnt_vpip_mbp / cnt_hands_mbp) * 100, 0, false, false),
format_number( (cnt_vpip_hbp / cnt_hands_hbp) * 100, 0, false, false)

Blind phases are for PS Fifty50-structure with antes starting at BB80 . So if anyone wants to use that you have to adjust Blind phases accordingly.

BTW, this is what I wanted to achieve in post viewtopic.php?f=18&t=34087.
I'm glad that it finally is possible 8-)
But I must admit doing that for every single blind level would have been a lot of work.....

Re: Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:43 am
by WhiteRider
Thanks for the update – I'm glad to hear that you got things working as you want.

Re: Custom Stats not available in HUD

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:11 am
by Lythande71
Two issues one major, one minor:

a) Since i use this stats the HUD doesn't display Hero's stat anymore? Any idea where to look at or what is causing this?

b) Multitabling up to 20 tables the HUD recognizes the blind level phase change up to 20!! hands later than it should. Do I have to play with the refresh rates to improve that, or does this delay likely has another cause? If I'm multitabling only 5 the delay is up to 4 hands, which is acceptable, IMHO.