Player Stats and the Results after show down

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Player Stats and the Results after show down

Postby drwear » Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:33 pm


New user as of yesterday. I'm using the program on Pstars. when i right click on the notes for the player it shows a player on the other side of the table.

Also after showdown when it shows the results it shows the two hole cards on somebody elses seat instead of their own.

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Re: Player Stats and the Results after show down

Postby APerfect10 » Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:37 am

You need to download and install the latest beta version for preferred seating to work properly on PokerStars.

[url=]Beta Release v1.19.5[/urlnnk]

The stats will shift correctly once you are dealt into a hand and it has finished.

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Re: Player Stats and the Results after show down

Postby drwear » Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:10 pm

I downloaded the beta program and the stats still don't line up with the seat.

Also do i have to have poker tracker running at the same time in order to intiate the PAHUD program? what is the deal with preferred seating? How am i supposed to have this program set up to run properly?

Getting frustrated with this program and have yet to see the value for what i paid for it?
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Re: Player Stats and the Results after show down

Postby APerfect10 » Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:14 pm

Yes, you need to have PokerTracker importing your hands while you are playing or new players will not have stats and existing players stats will not update.

If you have preferred seating configured in PokerStars, you need to configure it to match in PokerAce Hud under Options->Preferences->Poker Sites->PokerStars, 'Preferred Seating' tab.

If you need further help do not hesitate to ask. I highly recommend that you go through the [url=]PokerAce Hud documentation[/urlmyl] to configure properly and to explore the power of PokerAce Hud. Once you get more comfortable, I think you will realize the value of the HUD.

Best regards,

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Re: Player Stats and the Results after show down

Postby drwear » Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:49 pm

I just disabled the preferred seating on both PAHUD and Pstars and it works now.

Pstars lets you sit in different seats on the table. Do you have to sit in the exact same seat while using this program? If you don't then can you help me with the configuration?

thank you,
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Re: Player Stats and the Results after show down

Postby APerfect10 » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:01 am

I just disabled the preferred seating on both PAHUD and Pstars and it works now.

Pstars lets you sit in different seats on the table. Do you have to sit in the exact same seat while using this program? If you don't then can you help me with the configuration?

thank you,

If you have preferred seating disabled and sit in different seats, PokerAce Hud will determine the seat that you are sitting in. You cannot change your seat via the 'Sit me here' option. Once you are seated at the table you need to stay in that seat as any seat change from this point forward cannot be determined by PAH.

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