Stats Displaced

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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby mrdcool » Mon May 26, 2008 3:17 pm

Hi...I have been using PT3 and the HUD for a little over a week primarily for SNGs with little problem. However, today playing a cash game for the first time since d/l the product, the HUD stats are all in the wrong spot. Have never had this problem playing SNGs. Playing on FT. Thanks for any help.
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby Darquon » Mon May 26, 2008 7:41 pm

The seat numbers are right, telling it the right table size is very easy. Everything is as it should be but most of the HUD stats are not displaying although some of my layout is (table stats for which i changed colour).
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby WhiteRider » Tue May 27, 2008 5:04 am

mrdcool wrote:Hi...I have been using PT3 and the HUD for a little over a week primarily for SNGs with little problem. However, today playing a cash game for the first time since d/l the product, the HUD stats are all in the wrong spot. Have never had this problem playing SNGs. Playing on FT. Thanks for any help.

PAHud questions only - NOT PT3 HUD.

Tournament and Cash stat layouts are separate so you will need to move them around again. Functions to duplicate layouts will be added in the future.
Are you using preferred seating? If so, it *should* work but seems to cause problems for some people. Try re-installing FT.
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby WhiteRider » Tue May 27, 2008 5:05 am

Darquon wrote:The seat numbers are right, telling it the right table size is very easy. Everything is as it should be but most of the HUD stats are not displaying although some of my layout is (table stats for which i changed colour).

Is this on PAHud or PT3 HUD?
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby Darquon » Tue May 27, 2008 6:19 am

This is for PokerAce Hud (as far as i can tell my tracker3 works fine though i've only looked over it a few times). Ace Hud isn't working right at all. :(
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby kraada » Tue May 27, 2008 2:27 pm

Could you please enable logging and play 30 hands on a single table, then attach the PAHud.log file to a support ticket and reference this thread? We would be better able to diagnose what is going on in that way. Tutorial: How to Create a Log File
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby Darquon » Wed May 28, 2008 1:48 am

Yes for both PT3 HUD and PokerAce HUD which i've tried (but don't have both open at the same time of course). With the built in PT3 only the table stats display and in the PokerAce Hud a few stats display but, how manym where and colours display pretty randomly usually on the right side of the screen often only for 3 players and they're bunched up, so something is badly wrong. I've imported hand histories and set partypoker as the site and spent hours trying options to fix it but getting nowhere. :(
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby Darquon » Wed May 28, 2008 1:49 am

Sending in log file
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