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Configuring PostGres

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:35 am
by Pokerguy
I think when I attempted to to update PT3 I may have installed the wrong paskage and installed the new version over the old one.

My problem is now PostGres shows a popup window asking for a password and showing three filled sections: Port, server, Database user. Is there a generic password to use here? I don't think I ever set one. Are there any other problems, or solutions to this problem which could have occured when istalling wrongly?


Re: Configuring PostGres

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:56 am
by WhiteRider
Please post PT3 problems in the PT3 section of the forum - PAH is a separate application which only works with PT2.

The default password is 'dbpass' (no quotes), but if that doesn't work you can remove the need for postgres passwords:
How To: Remove PostgreSQL Password

Re: Configuring PostGres

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:17 am
by Pokerguy
Apologies, I just saw "technical support" and thought that seemed sensible. Thanks for your help.

Re: Configuring PostGres

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:44 am
by WhiteRider
No problem, but there's a technical support section in the PT3 part too, and you'll generally get quicker help for PT3 issues there.
