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Ultimate Bet

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:50 pm
by wcrimi
I realize this may be old news, but I haven't played any Poker for quite awhile. It appears that PHUD does not work with Pokertracker for Ultimate Bet now that they changed over to the new system. Is this correct? Are there any plans to update for the new UB?

Re: Ultimate Bet

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:14 pm
by WhiteRider
Please update to the latest PAH version 1.19.10 and configure Options -> Preferences -> Cereus to look in the Instant Replay folder (NOT the hand history folder).

Re: Ultimate Bet

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:29 pm
by wcrimi
Thank you. I'll test it out tomorrow. Download and setup went fine. :D

Re: Ultimate Bet and Pokert Ace Hud

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:22 pm
by wcrimi
I never got around to playing any poker after I downloaded the version suggested here. Today I tried and Poker Ace said that my version had expired and then it prompted me for a registration code. I registered it a very long time ago (several years ago). I have no idea what the registration code was. Second, it seemed I could bypass that problem and run the software. However, I was unable to import or even find/get any hand histories. Assume I am a total idiot and explain what I need to do. Thank you.

Re: Ultimate Bet

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:10 am
by WhiteRider
You can Rerequest your PAHUD Key.

If you can't import hands then that is a PT2 issue - please check the PT2 forums and make sure you have the latest version and configure it correctly (there should be a sticky topic about this).

Once you have hands auto importing into PT2 if you still can't get the HUD working please enable logging, reproduce the problem on a single table and play 30+ hands, and send the PAHud.log file via the Support system so that we can review your configurations and troubleshoot the issue.
Tutorial: How to Create a Log File

Alternatively, try the 60 day free trial of PT3 which has a built in HUD and works well with Cereus.
Download page
You will need Beta 26 for full Cereus support.

Re: Ultimate Bet

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:59 am
by wcrimi
Maybe I'm an idiot, but not much is working.

I set up PT to look in the Instant Replay folder for hand histories. I got on a table at UB, opened PHUD, and PT which I set to auto import from UB. I opened the Hand History on UB. It seemed like hand histories were being saved into the Instant Replay Folder by PHUD, but neither auto import or manual import would bring those files into PT despite the setting looking into the correct folder.

One interesting this was that when I logged off the table, for some reason some of the Hand Histories vanished from the Instant Replay Folder.

The Hand Histories in the Instant Replay folder are all DAT files. I vaguely recall that PT imports TXT files. Assuming I am correct, I see no TXT files anywhere. Both the HH Folder Location AND Move processed File folder are set to the UB Instant Replay folder.

I don't recall ever having trouble with PHUD or PT before this Cereus move and believe I have the correct versions and setups for everything.

Re: Ultimate Bet

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:45 pm
by WhiteRider
Please check the PT2 forums for a sticky topic about how to configure PT2.
PAHud reads from the InstantReplay folder, it doesn't write to it, but it still needs to get the stats from PT2.
The Cereus software removes the files in the InstantReplay folder when you close the table.
