Need help with PAHud & Full Tilt

i recently made a deposit at Full Tilt Poker, and began using Poker Ace Hud in there too. In order for the stats to appear correctly i had to uncheck the setting: Options->Preferences->Poker Sites->Full Tilt->Standard Drawing.
I unchecked since you say it may not display stats properly, and in fact it didn't, but all worked well when unchecked.
Thing is, i recently bought a helper software, the [url=]Full Tilt Shortcuts[/urlzcl] to help me multitabling, but Poker Ace Hud, with that setting unchecked its interfering with the normal function of the program. I play with the tables cascaded and instead of waiting for me to act on a pending table, poker ace hud makes lots of tables, pending and non pending pop up in front of the table i'm acting on, this is very frustrating and creating chaos and making my multi table game nearly impossible! When i check the Standard Drawing all works fine in the poping up of the tables, but i don't see ANY stats at all.
So what should i do? i understand not all persons have to uncheck the Standard Drawing to see the stats, what causes this? How can i fix it, or what can i change in my pc in order to be able to play with Standard Drawing checked?
Please help me.
Thank you, Tiago Silva.
i recently made a deposit at Full Tilt Poker, and began using Poker Ace Hud in there too. In order for the stats to appear correctly i had to uncheck the setting: Options->Preferences->Poker Sites->Full Tilt->Standard Drawing.
I unchecked since you say it may not display stats properly, and in fact it didn't, but all worked well when unchecked.
Thing is, i recently bought a helper software, the [url=]Full Tilt Shortcuts[/urlzcl] to help me multitabling, but Poker Ace Hud, with that setting unchecked its interfering with the normal function of the program. I play with the tables cascaded and instead of waiting for me to act on a pending table, poker ace hud makes lots of tables, pending and non pending pop up in front of the table i'm acting on, this is very frustrating and creating chaos and making my multi table game nearly impossible! When i check the Standard Drawing all works fine in the poping up of the tables, but i don't see ANY stats at all.
So what should i do? i understand not all persons have to uncheck the Standard Drawing to see the stats, what causes this? How can i fix it, or what can i change in my pc in order to be able to play with Standard Drawing checked?
Please help me.
Thank you, Tiago Silva.