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Omaha Hud question

Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:40 am
by Manhat10ite
I have been using Pokertracker for NL and Omaha for a very long time with no problems. I just bought a new computer with Vista, yes I am using everything as administrator. I am having no problems with the NL version however I can't get the stats to show up on the hud with the Omaha version. I have tried it on the three sites I play most, UB, Stars and Tilt. All three are working fine with hud and NL but none are working with Omaha and hud. All that is showing up is a 0 where the values are mine, nothing for any of the other players. The tracker program is importing everything fine. Do I need to download a program I might be missing.
Also I sent a request for the codes yesterday and still haven't received them.
Re: Omaha Hud question

Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:39 pm
by APerfect10
[url=]** Moved to PokerAce Hud - Technical Support forum **[/urlkh8]
Re: Omaha Hud question

Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:27 pm
by Manhat10ite
Still no codes. I also feel like I should try downloading the hud or Omaha again. Just not sure.
Re: Omaha Hud question

Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:35 am
by APerfect10
You do not have your registration code? Send me a message via the [url=]Support system[/urlg0a] with your payment details and I will make sure that you get it.
Regarding your Omaha problem, enable logging, play 30+ hands on a 'single' Omaha table then send me the PAHud.log file via the [url=]Support system[/urlg0a] so that I can review your configurations and troubleshoot the issue. We will get it working properly for you.
[url=]Tutorial: How to Create a Log File[/urlg0a]
Best regards,
Re: Omaha Hud question

Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:47 am
by Manhat10ite
Will you be adding Omaha to the new pokertracker 3 soon? I am thinking of switching to it for holdem since it is a new computer. My stats aren't so important to me. It is more about other players, it will only take me a month or so to collect info on them.
Re: Omaha Hud question

Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:32 am
by APerfect10
Omaha will be integrated into the PokerTracker 3 application but I do not expect for that to happen before August 2008 (at the earliest). We have far too many features that need to be added then we are working on PT3 for Mac. After that, we will move our attention to Omaha.
Best regards,
Re: Omaha Hud question

Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:05 pm
by Manhat10ite
With the Omaha software I have the product ID has switched three times so every time you have sent the registration code the product ID has been different. Is this part of the problem I am having. I haven't had a chance to play 30 hands yet. Hopefully I will later today.
Re: Omaha Hud question

Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:11 pm
by APerfect10
Yes, that would be a problem. Make sure that you run PTO as an administrator. Right click the icon and select 'Run as administrator'. (This only needs to be done once per installation) When running as an admin, the product id will not change. Send us that product id via the [url=]Support system[/urlay2]. Mention that you were not running as an administrator and they will provide you another code.
Best regards,
Re: Omaha Hud question

Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:43 pm
by Manhat10ite
I believe I have been running it as an administrator. The entire time, but will try again.
Re: Omaha Hud question

Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:06 pm
by APerfect10
If that does not work, disable 'User Account Control' then reinstall. I am confident the product ID will not change then....
[url=]Tutorial: Vista-How to Disable 'User Account Control' (UAC)[/url0v7]
Best regards,