Stats Displaced

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Stats Displaced

Postby Darquon » Sun May 25, 2008 6:39 am

Hi, i've been playing at party poker and have had the same lag issues that'll be fixed in next patch but also the stats are badly displaced. I spent hours trying everything out in the hud and making templates and party poker doesn't seem to have an option to always sit in the same place, is this an option i've missed or a bug for the patch? I have good pc, connection and xp pro.
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 25, 2008 9:50 am

You don't need to always sit in the same place..
I don't know whether party has that option - I don't use it, but NOT using preferred seating is the default and PT3 can handle wherever you sit.
Are you adding a group for "show on table for hero only"?
If so, you should not place this group near your own seat, you have to place it somewhere on the table away from all seats, so it is always in the same place regardless of your seat.
Other players stats will locate on the correct player regardless of where you are.
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby Darquon » Sun May 25, 2008 4:12 pm

Well i've been through all party pokers few potions and their is'nt one to fix seat. I havn't seen the option 'show on table for hero only' and use defaults for almost everything in in hud and tracker (except i moved many of the stat positions around becuase they were hard to see on the table, so i moved them to the sides). The stats are all there but completly displaced and none at all on the left hand side.
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 25, 2008 4:33 pm

Ah, are you playing 6-max?
You need to PT-icon -> Treat As ... 6-max.
Make sure you have the correct table size set, and then drag the stats to the correct places.
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby Darquon » Sun May 25, 2008 5:20 pm

Yup, I made sure of that, the problem didnt occur until i made my own template by moving around the stats so I could see them easier. I simply saved my template and exported to default, perhaps this is the there somewhere specific I have to save to like party poker folder?
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 25, 2008 5:26 pm

What do you mean by "I simply saved my template and exported to default, perhaps this is the there somewhere specific I have to save to like party poker folder?"
It sounds like this is in PAHud, not PT3?
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby Darquon » Sun May 25, 2008 6:00 pm

I see, sorry, seperate forums. Indeed a HUD issue, with 6 players, with 6 player max option stats are very worng and in a 10 player game stats are roughly in default positions which is nothing like my custom layout. I'm running XP and with HUD I my very fast PC seems to strugle, slowsdown and sometimes lags for 5-10 secs (1 brief disconnection, no crashes).

Should I make a thread in the tech support/HUD area? sorry for confusion.
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby WhiteRider » Mon May 26, 2008 4:17 am

I'll move this to the PAH forum.

When you enter the Layout Manager, you need to select the correct site and table size from the drop-down lists at the top of the page. Are you sure you've chosen the correct type?
Then when you Save the layout the tables should redraw.
Are the 6 seat tables identified as (6 max) in the PAH main window / table list?
Do you have the latest version 1.19.6?
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby Darquon » Mon May 26, 2008 7:06 am

Once the game comes up I right click the HUD to select the number of players in the hand. I have v1.19.6, I have selected party & skins for party poker in preferences-poker sites (in there i put c:\program files\partygaming\party poker). Other than cosmetics everything is default settings. I did have a problem installing PostgreSQL 8.3 and had to install manually following onsite instructions, could this be the cause somehow? doesn't seem likely.

Today things are slightly different, I played 20 hands in 2 games and the table stats show (ive changed the colours so i know it's reading those and also the cards at the end of hand come up (although in the default position and not where I had moved them to) but no other stats at all. (but there is no lag today at all)

Yesterday I tried for many more hands and each time the stats loaded they were all in the wrong place and all on the right side of the screen with horrable lag and my pc was struggling.
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Re: Stats Displaced

Postby WhiteRider » Mon May 26, 2008 2:51 pm

It really sounds like you're editting the wrong size of table. On the HUD layout screen, does it show the correct number of seats?
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