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Cannot get any stats to show up for stars or ftp

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:01 pm
by JungMoney

I recently purchased Pokerace hud, and viewed many tutorials and set up all preferences to where they should be. I made a layout and saved it. When I sit at a table it shows that Im sitting at a table in the Pokerace main window. None of my stats appear, and in the bottum right corner in black and white it shows:
vp$ na
pot$ XXX

and everyonce in a while after a hand it shows the players holecards of the previous hand. But other than that I cant get anything to show up. My roomate cant get it to work either.

Can I please get some help?

Thanks alot~

Re: Cannot get any stats to show up for stars or ftp

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:26 pm
by JungMoney
and for some reason there are no databases for me to choose. I wonder if that is the problem.

Re: Cannot get any stats to show up for stars or ftp

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:23 pm
by Peligroso
Are you using PokerTracker 2 or PokerTracker 3? PA Hud is supposed to be used with PokerTracker 2 and PokerTracker 3 has it's own built-in HUD.
