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3 betting, donk bets and 2nd barrel

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:00 pm
by Mark1808
It would be helpful to know 3 betting frequency from certain positions (EP, MP, LP, Blinds). It would also be helpful to know how often a player folds to a 3 bet.

I would like to see how often a player donks into the pre flop raiser and how often the pre flop raiser folds to a donk bet.

Lastly it would be nice to see how often the PFR 2 barrels and how often a player folds to a 2nd barrel.

These things come up quite a bit in 6 max and would really help to play better against certain players.

Re: 3 betting, donk bets and 2nd barrel

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:29 pm
by APerfect10
All of this information is available in PokerTracker 3 and you will be able to use it in the PT3 HUD.

Best regards,


Re: 3 betting, donk bets and 2nd barrel

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:10 pm
by Mark1808
[quote="APerfect10"jrf]All of this information is available in PokerTracker 3 and you will be able to use it in the PT3 HUD.

Best regards,


I see the 3bet and fold to 3 bet in PT3 beta but not 2nd barrel, 2nd barrel fold %, donk bet, donk bet % and I don't see any of these including 3 bet stats in the PHUD beta. How soon until these features will be incorporated? Thanks and love the improvements!!!!

Re: 3 betting, donk bets and 2nd barrel

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:30 pm
by WhiteRider
Now that we have custom stats available, you could build them now!
Have a play around with the Customize menu, but if you can't get to grips with it, I'll try to build what you're after when I have some time - I've done a bit of experimenting already.

Re: 3 betting, donk bets and 2nd barrel

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:21 pm
by Mark1808
[quote="WhiteRider"b0x]Now that we have custom stats available, you could build them now!
Have a play around with the Customize menu, but if you can't get to grips with it, I'll try to build what you're after when I have some time - I've done a bit of experimenting already.[/quoteb0x]

I am seeing everything (and lots more!!!) except donk bets on the flop, I see them turn and river but not flop. Any suggestions?

Re: 3 betting, donk bets and 2nd barrel

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:29 am
by think
from custom stat,
we see turn, river donk bet but not flop donk
cant see any cnt_f_donk* as well, havent think of how to create custom flop donk bet var without these.....
this is for player stat only...

how about if we want to filter to see hands we played, when we face donk bet and how we react and the results?
from filter, both action and facing tabs, i cant see any filter that i can use
can we do something on the custom stat from the single hand detail, creating a new stat using some flg*?


Re: 3 betting, donk bets and 2nd barrel

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:58 am
by APerfect10
I am not sure why the flop donk bet is not in the database. We will need to get this added.

We have simply not had time to enter the donk bet stats into the Filter. We will be adding more as the testing progresses.

You can create your own custom facing donk bet stats. Look at the holdem_hand_player_statistics table and the 'flg_<street>_donk_def_opp' which is when you are facing a donk bet then your action is set in the 'enum_t_donk_action' field.

Best regards,

