Stat specific notes

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Stat specific notes

Postby SlimboKarvell » Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:21 am


I would like to see a feature that enables stat specific notes. It would work like the color codes, say you enter a range (20-25%) and then you can enter a text that would display with that range if you hover over with the mouse.

This would be helpful e.g. for getting hand ranges: raises 5% of his hands, then you can put a note: AA-TT, AK-AQs.
Or you can put some other notes that help you visualize what the stat actually means and how you can exploit it : cBet % of 85-100%: check-raise him more often, float
It would even be helpful for all of us with small monitors, so we don't have to put an abbreviation before the stat, we could just hover over it and see the abbreviation.

Is this possible?

Thank you :)
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