pull your heads out of your ass and fire your staff

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pull your heads out of your ass and fire your staff

Postby poo_onastick » Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:55 pm

What the hell are you doing with pokertracker? This is possibly the biggest upset to my life. I rely solely on my poker income and i make a quarter mill a year. You guys have probably cost me 10 k due to your shitty glitching......... not to mention the headaches with setup and lack of available info due to ace hud failures......... and now i get this message please restart poker tracker cause pokerstars is not going to register hands for 30 minutes.......... How do i fix this? WHY THE FUCK DONT THE STATS WORK? PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND FIRE YOUR STAFF. That was my favorite forum post i have seen. Please respont promptly or i am switching to holdem manager and encouraging everyone in the poker world to switch as well. YOU SUCK
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Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 1:14 am

Re: pull your heads out of your ass and fire your staff

Postby BCsparky » Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:23 pm

:lol: :lol:
BAN :!:
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Re: pull your heads out of your ass and fire your staff

Postby Thomas42 » Sat Oct 04, 2008 9:08 am

poo_onastick wrote:What the hell are you doing with pokertracker? This is possibly the biggest upset to my life. I rely solely on my poker income and i make a quarter mill a year. You guys have probably cost me 10 k due to your shitty glitching......... not to mention the headaches with setup and lack of available info due to ace hud failures......... and now i get this message please restart poker tracker cause pokerstars is not going to register hands for 30 minutes.......... How do i fix this? WHY THE FUCK DONT THE STATS WORK? PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND FIRE YOUR STAFF. That was my favorite forum post i have seen. Please respont promptly or i am switching to holdem manager and encouraging everyone in the poker world to switch as well. YOU SUCK

Hm, I seriously suspect you had a bad beat just before you got that requester. If you had read it properly you would have noticed it said OBSERVED before hands. There was a misunderstanding between the PT team and PS when in regards to observed hands. The PT team thought PS allowed them to grab 30 hands per new table table you opened. However PS said it was only 30 hands per session. When those 30 hands have been grabbed you have to wait 30 minutes and restart PT. It has nothing to do with hands you are active in.

If this hadn't been implemented in PT3, then PT3 most likely would have ended up on the banned list of software on PS. I am pretty sure you don't want that to happen do you?

So, cool of your steam and get back to enjoy using PT3 mate.
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