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Request change in registration functionality for HUD

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:44 pm
by Satori100
Can you please change PAHUD to not be reliant on an online registration server in order to run?

The registration server problems this weekend happened at a horrible time costing me and a large number of your loyal users time and money. We couldn't even get updates on the forum as to progress & ETA's. When this problem occurs, it essentaillly makes your suite of software un-usable for all serious users.

There are many other good options for you to use to make your software difficult to pirate, without using this method that alienates your loyal users. You can still have it perform online registration verification on startup, but use some creative ways of keeping the software fully-functional (atleast for a few days time) in the event the registration server can not be reached. If after a set number of days the registration server can not be reached for verification & updating registration keys, then lock or flag the software. This would give you a cushion of time to get the registration server back up & running in the event of an issue, while minimizing the impact on your base of users.

Re: Request change in registration functionality for HUD

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:16 pm
by Satori100
Are you guys still reviewing posts in this thread and considering future improvements for PAHUD and PT2?

Re: Request change in registration functionality for HUD

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:20 pm
by WhiteRider
Yes, we're still checking these forums, but I don't think there will be any new features now that PT3 is out.
The PAH registations are being moved across to the new servers which should mean there will be no more down-time once the transfer is complete.