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HUD overall stats for myself

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:08 pm
by peyrolas
this would be more than useful as my opponents will see me not only with my sessions stats but with hundreds of hands of mine.

so please implement as new option, but leave the possibility to show only session stats.


Re: HUD overall stats for myself

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:43 am
by WhiteRider
You do not know what stats your opponents will have on you - or even if they have any on you, so your own HUD stats are only from the current session so that you can see what your current image is.

If you want to see your overall stats you should look in PT2.

Re: HUD overall stats for myself

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:30 am
by Dracco78
WhiteRider wrote:You do not know what stats your opponents will have on you - or even if they have any on you, so your own HUD stats are only from the current session so that you can see what your current image is.

If you want to see your overall stats you should look in PT2.

The guy is right, PT3 should allow to show not only current session stats for Hero. The answer from support is just silly

Re: HUD overall stats for myself

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:25 am
by kraada
I don't understand what benefit you would actually get out of this feature, and as such we've been concentrating on adding features which do provide direct benefits. You'll see some of them in Beta 27, and there are some very, very nice features coming.

That said, once you've played, say, 100,000 hands, your stats just aren't going to change over the course of a session. So you play 14/10 with an AF of 2.7. Once you've played 100,000 hands do you think that's going to change when you play a 1,000 hand session? We both know it won't. So what good does this do for you, seeing the same numbers on the screen constantly?

Re: HUD overall stats for myself

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:08 pm
by Dracco78
After 100K hands I guess you will know your stats by memory but for me it would be convinient to see my long term table image at the HUD.

Re: HUD overall stats for myself

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:12 am
by kraada
"Long term table image" is a contradiction in terms.

Your table image is how the people at the table -- who you are playing with, right now -- view you. They haven't played at every table you've ever played, only a fraction of them likely have any tracking capabilities at all. So they're likely reacting more based on what you've done since you sat down than from your previous play. The only way "table image" can be long term is if you play a long session - but then the PAHUD stats that show your play on the table will slowly converge on your long term stats anyway . . .

Re: HUD overall stats for myself

PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:54 am
by ComplexP
I support this idea myself. Because many stats are conveniently displayed on the HUD whereas you can't find your own stats, at least I don't know how. Through filters maybe, but I don't know how to use many features like that, so this would be way simpler and useful. Why is it hard to implement, have an option to show it like it shows for all villains.

To give an example, I can't find my overall fold to 3-bet %. I can set up filters for the times I've been 3-bet I guess, and then filters from the times I folded when I was 3-bet, and manually calculate the %. But this is a nuissance. Maybe there is a simpler way but not obvious to me. And there are hundreds of stats like that.

The whole concept of seeing villain's stats super easy just by adding them to your HUD but making it harder to see your own is kind of mind boggling imo.

Re: HUD overall stats for myself

PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:24 pm
by kraada
You can find your own Fold to 3-bet percentage on your General tab. Click the small wrench at the top right of the bottom report and that will bring up the "Configure This Report" window. Double click any stat you want to see from the list on the left to add it to the list that displays (double click the list on the right to remove the stat from the display). All data in this window is displayed from your lifetime of data (unless you have a filter enabled of course).