Poker Tracker and Account Balance Do Not Match

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Poker Tracker and Account Balance Do Not Match

Postby RyanL1027 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:24 am

I've been watching my PT2 database ever since the new tables on PokerStars came out just to make sure there were no errors. Usually everything gets bjorked for a few days like when they added the 50bb tables awhile ago. But everything seemed to be working the first few days. However the last 4 days my database has shown a different profit that my account balance shows. Day 1 should have been down $80 more, day 2 $250, day 3 $220 and day 4 $200. I know the Euro tables don't import which makes it hard to calculate exactly how many hands total should show up in each day's database. I'm missing no more than 2% of my hands in any given day. I can't figure out where the discrepancy is coming from. The 100-250bb tables, 40-100bb fast and non fast, 20-50bb fast and non fast all show up.(all 9 max) The old tables are pretty much fazed out by now so that pretty much covers it. What's causing my database to ~$200 higher than it should be pretty much everyday?
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Re: Poker Tracker and Account Balance Do Not Match

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:04 am

PT2 is no longer being updated now that PT3 is established, so it's possible that one of the recent Stars updates has broken something, although it could also be an error caused by the difference between Euro and $, as you suggest. Did you see any import errors?

You may want to try the 60 day free trial of PT3 - there aren't any import problems with Stars that I'm aware of there.

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