PFR doubts!

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Re: PFR doubts!

Postby andrenalina » Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:46 am

Firstly I would like to ask you to move this topic to "Custom Stats, Reports, and SQL", because I think it's its place.

I have a doubt about pfr. The column cnt_pfr is constructed as

sum(if[holdem_hand_player_statistics.cnt_p_raise > 0, 1, 0])

that is, if the player had raised preflop the cnt_pfr is 1 (always 1 or 0 if the player didnt raised), right? Lets see an exemple. Folds, MP limps, folds, BU raises, SB fold, BB reraises, MP calls and BU calls. In this case cnt_pfr for BU and BB will be 1 while the rest of the players it will be 0, is that right?

Another doubt, if one player raises than reraises, is cnt_pfr still 1? I think so because cnt_pfr count the times the player raised and now how many times the player raised.

If im wrong dont answer this other question, I will reformulate.

Next doubt. How cnt_f_cbet is counted? In that exemple, if BB and BU has cnt_p = 1 so both can cbet. Thats my doubt, in a hand its possible 2 players have cnt_p = 1 at the flop? Or the player who can cbet is the player who last raised, so BB's cnt_pfr = 0 while BU's cnt_pfr = 1?
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Re: PFR doubts!

Postby andrenalina » Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:32 am

Another thing! Its about to format the print of a statistic. Let me explain, I was reading about the format function and I thought if its possible to show in the HUD combo of stats, like VP$IP/PFR/AF, Att. Steal/ Fold Blinds to Steal/Fold Steal vs. Blind Reraise etc. Reason: just to compact the layout, im playing 10-max and its more difficult to arrange the HUD, because I wanted that the spaces between the stats was not how its in the standard form. Can I make the spaces shorter? If its not possible I would like to let this as a sugestion for a newer version :). Thanks for the attention!
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Re: PFR doubts!

Postby kraada » Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:25 am

I don't have access to move threads from here, but I'll ask about getting this one moved.

You are correct that BTN and BB will see cnt_pfr increase for that hand and nobody else will. The reason the column checks for >0 instead of =1 is that we want to make sure we add one for hands in which one player raised twice. Had BTN 4-bet instead of calling, cnt_p_raise would be 2 for that hand for him. But we still only want the hand counted once. So you are correct on that point.

It's not possible for two players to have cbet opportunities on the same flop. Only the player who made the last preflop raise has the opportunity to cbet the flop. A player can raise and not have a chance to cbet (if he gets 3-bet), or he can raise and have a chance to cbet (if nobody reraised him).

About the HUD, you can format stats in quite a few ways. Personally I don't show player name, I get rid of the '/' (on the Groups tab), and drop padding to 0. Once you do that and remove the prefixes, you can condense things quite a bit. See the HUD FAQ for links to all of the relevant HUD documentation which will show you how to set things up like this.
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Re: PFR doubts!

Postby andrenalina » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:46 pm

Does cnt_pfr counts the number of hands that a player raised preflop (in which all hands could have values 0 or 1) or the number of times the player raised preflop (in the case he raised and reraised it would be 2).

The cbet stat, as I could see, is predefinided and we cannot see how its constructed, but I think the condition to a player to be the preflop raiser (as you said), and so to have the opportunity to cbet, is the player where lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%R', all the other players who would see the flop had lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%C' and the others lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%F', is that right?

I was trying the format comand and saw what I was wanting. I wanted to put in one single stat more stats, as in the exemple I put the PF triad (VPIP/PFR/AF) in one single stat in the property format expression of the stat

if(cnt_vpip < 5,'x',format('{1}/{2}/{3}',format_number(((cnt_vpip / cnt_hands) * 100),0,false,false),format_number(((cnt_pfr / cnt_hands) * 100),0,false,false),if( (cnt_f_call + cnt_t_call + cnt_r_call) = 0, if( (cnt_f_bet + cnt_f_raise + cnt_t_bet + cnt_t_raise + cnt_r_bet + cnt_r_raise) = 0, '', '{SYM:infinite}'), format_number((cnt_f_bet + cnt_f_raise + cnt_t_bet + cnt_t_raise + cnt_r_bet + cnt_r_raise) / (cnt_f_call + cnt_t_call + cnt_r_call), 1, false, false))))

Thanks for the attention
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Re: PFR doubts!

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:28 am

cnt_pfr counts the number of hands where the player raised pre-flop (so it is zero or one for each hand).

The cbet stat, as I could see, is predefinided and we cannot see how its constructed, but I think the condition to a player to be the preflop raiser (as you said), and so to have the opportunity to cbet, is the player where lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%R', all the other players who would see the flop had lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%C' and the others lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%F', is that right?

You can see how the predefined stats are built in the same way as custom stats, via Configure > Configure Stats.
In the case of c-bets the flag is stored directly in the database at import time. You are basically right about the condition though, you can only c-bet if you were the last person to raise pre-flop. Only the one player who was the last to raise pre-flop will ever have the opportunity to c-bet on on flop.
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