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Antivirus program deleted PT files

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:43 pm
by kmasonbx
I downloaded a new antivirus program (The Shield Deluxe) and did a sweep and it deleted several files in both my PTv2 and PA Hud. It called them "intrusive." That files that were terminated for PT were: PID 7092; PID 14884 and PID 7820. The PA HUD files that were terminated were: PID 19248 and PID 132.

All of my hand histories are still present I'm just unable to open wither PT or PA HUD, is there anything I can do?

Re: Antivirus program deleted PT files

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:38 pm
by ptrack pat
Reinstall PT2 and send me the new product ID from the Help/About Poker Tracker window.

Use the online support system to send me the new product ID...

As for PokerAce, you'll have to do the same thing I guess, their support link is:

Re: Antivirus program deleted PT files

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:54 pm
by kmasonbx
The report log was still on my antivirus program, and I just added PT and PA HUD to the trusted program list and they are working fine. Thanks for the help though.