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Incomplete Ongame Hand Histories

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:30 am
by Scully
I am having a problem with Ongame in that I don't think my HH is complete as the results recorded in PT do not agree to the actual results of a session.

I don't actually believe that this is a PT issue as I believe PT is writing what is in the HH file.

I was wondering if anyone else had come across this problem and what the solution was.

Apologies if this has no place being here given I very much doubt it is a PT issue, but I'm getting nowhere with their support and could really do with a solution to this problem.

Thanks in advance

Re: Incomplete Ongame Hand Histories

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:18 am
by ptrack pat
This is NOT a PT issue. Ongame has a severe lag in the time it takes them to write the hand history information to the statistics file. This has nothing to do with PT. Leave the Ongame lobby window open for about an hour after you are done playing to give it time to catch up.