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Question re: coldcalling

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:58 am
by superwomble
Hi, I wonder if I'm a bit confused as to what coldcalling is.

I understood it to be when a player has raised preflop before you act, then you call the raise. If this is the case, does calling a preflop raise from one of the blinds not count as coldcalling? I assumed it would because the blinds are not voluntarily put into the pit, but PT appears to not count this as coldcalling?

Is this right or am I confused?

Thanks :)

Re: Question re: coldcalling

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:37 am
by ptrack pat
In PT2 the calculation is if the player has any money in the pot, even if it's from posting a blind, it's NOT considered a cold call.
