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swapping hhdb

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:57 pm
by rabbitlover
Sure this has been asked before, but I cannot locate what I need.
A friend and I (across country) want to get each others PT2 HH database. Do I make a copy of the hhdb file?, or would I be getting the backup HH's and zipping them to send to him?
As far as sending, is it possible to do it as an e-mail attachment? I have heard of FTP, but don't have it or know how to use it.

I have 2 HHDB, one is renamed "old" per instructions from Pat. The large one is 1.8GB and the small one is 187,000kb if that gives someone info as to how the best way to "send" these are.

Thanks for any help.


Re: swapping hhdb

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:55 pm
by ptrack pat
The hand history databases alone aren't going to do anything for you. You also need the statistics databases (i.e. the ptrackX.mdb files). Basically you would send all those files. They would put these files into a separate folder on their hard drive.
To link the ptrackX.mdb files they use the File > Maintain Database Names window to add pointers to your database files. To link the hand history databases, they would use the Utilities > Database Maintenance and Options window, Hand History DB's tab to point both of your hand history database files.

Re: swapping hhdb

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:41 am
by rabbitlover
Thanks Pat

Do you know if these files can be zipped and sent as an e-mail attachment? That's the only method I am familiar with to move files across the internet.


Re: swapping hhdb

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:31 am
by ptrack pat
I don't think you want to email them, even zipped, the files will be huge. You could put them on a CD/DVD and mail them or possibly look into a free file hosting site, there are a number of them on the web.
