Hold'em or Poker Tracker Hold'em related posts go here


Postby wcrimi » Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:30 pm

I haven't been playing much poker, but I tried yesterday and today but can't get PHUD + Poket Tracker to work for UB.

I have the latest version of PT and version 1.19.10 Beta of PHUD.

I set up UB hand history to save my files to Program Files\UltimateBet\HandHistory (on UB).

I set up PT so that the "Hand History Filder Location" is the same as above and the "move processed files ...." to C:\Program Files\UltimateBet\InstantReplay

Some DAT files seem to end up in the Instand Replay folder, but nothing ever goes into the UltimateBet\HandHistory folder, nothing gets imported into PT, and PHUD has no idea what's going on.

Something is not set up right or is not working.

Someone please tell me how to set this crap up and get it to work. Make it obvious and clear because I keep getting piecemeal info from various spots that is not helping me and I'm geting frustrated enough to throw both softwares in the garbage bin and let other people know what I think of it.

Also, does UB save all Hand Histories on a table you are on or only if you play the hand?
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Re: PHUD and UB

Postby ptrack pat » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:41 pm

There is a sticky at the top of this forum that tells you how to setup Poker Tracker to import from UB now that they have combined with Absolute to form the Cereus network...see the 4th thread of this post...


If UB isn't saving the files then you need to contact them to see why their software isn't saving them if you have configured it to do so. I don't know why it wouldn't be saving them, unless you are using Vista and not running UB as administrator possibly?
ptrack pat
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Re: PHUD and UB

Postby wcrimi » Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:48 am

That thread is basically useless. It's piece meal information and I've already seen it. That's what I used to try set things up to begin with. Since I am sure others have had this problem, are still having this problem, and will have this problem in the future, what we need is one thread with clear concise directions for eveything that needs to be done and what every setting should be.

As fas as I am concerned, both PHUD and PT are useless unless users can get clear directions and answers to their questions. I put my exact current setting in the prior post. (I am not using Vista)
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Re: PHUD and UB

Postby wcrimi » Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:06 am

I have since been able to set up UB to save my HHs in the correct folder.

However, PT is not auto importing them even though I have provided it with the correct folder name for where they are located. It actually says it found the folder, but then does not import the hands. When I manually import them by pointing to the the HH file, it works fine. Something is still amiss.
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Re: PHUD and UB

Postby ptrack pat » Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:53 am

Are you using the ABSOLUTE auto-import window and NOT the UB window like it details in the directions in that post? It doesn't sound like it. If you are still using the UB auto-import window it won't load any hands because the format changed like it explains in the link you were given.

If you are using the Absolute window and still don't get any hands loaded then...

Click the enable logging box on the auto-import window.
Start the timer.
Play for 5 minutes.
Click the View Log link. Copy/paste the text of the log file into a reply.
ptrack pat
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Re: PHUD and UB

Postby wcrimi » Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:34 pm

Thanks. I believe that may have been the problem. I'm not sure why it worked now because that was the first thing I tried yesterday and it failed. I apologize for the tone previously, but it's very frustrating to constantly have to deal with these software changes unless all the directions are spelled out very clearly and in one post. Otherwise, I feel like I am spending a lot of unproductive time searching for answers and then in the setup when I could actually be playing poker. So I wonder if it's worth the trouble. :roll:

Now I have to make sure that PHUD is working. UGGGGHHHHHH :roll:

Thanks again.
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