What sites does PT v2 still work with?

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What sites does PT v2 still work with?

Postby eloydrummerboy » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:35 pm

I played about 5 years ago, stopped, and am starting up again. I don't have, nor do I want to pay $90 for new software that I already paid $55 for before. I don't want or need the best of the best, I would just like it to work like it used to.

What, if any, sites will PT v2 still work with, as far as importing HHs and such. I'm not a incredibly serious player and only play small limits. I don't even care about keeping tabs on other players. I just want to keep my own stats. What sites can I play and still, as of now at least, be able to import HH without any problems?

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Joined: Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:18 am

Re: What sites does PT v2 still work with?

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:21 am

PT2 should still work with most sites - I'm not sure which have changed their hand histories enough to break support: possibly Cereus, I can't remember if their change was before or after PT2 support ended.
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