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Won hand W/O Showdown Help

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:12 pm
by CajunDragon
I'd like to add some simple win % stats to my HUD. I see that there are 8 separate functions for WWoSD. Is there a way I can get a combined total? I'm looking to do something simple:


# 100 Hands Played
# 20 Hands Won Without Showdown
# 10 Hands Won WITH Showdown
# 70 Hands Lost

(percent or actual # is fine). I don't mind putting in a custom formula but I'm not a whiz with PT3.


Re: Won hand W/O Showdown Help

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:47 pm
by kraada
Please note this is the PTv2 forum not the PT3 forum.

That said, you want to build a column:
cnt_wwosd with definition sum(if[holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_won_hand and not(holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_showdown), 1, 0])

Then in the stat if you want a percentage put (cnt_wwosd / cnt_hands) * 100 as your value expression.